
At the bottom of this email is listed your club responsibilities.

Those include if you are performing something at a meeting AND

any committees you are a member of.

May 7 Speaker - Shekar N. Kurpad, MD, PhD

Dr. Kurpad received his MD from Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore, India in 1991, and his PhD from Duke University (Durham, NC) in 1995. He completed an internship in general surgery at University Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve University, in 1996, and a residency in neurosurgery at that same institution in 2001. Dr. Kurpad completed three clinical fellowships as follows: July-December 1998, Skull Base Surgery, University of Tennessee (Memphis); July-December 2000, Neuro-Oncology, University Hospitals of Cleveland; and January-June 2001, Spinal Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin.

Dr. Kurpad has held appointments as Guest Scientist, Intramural Program, National Institute of Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health in July 2001; Guest Scientist, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, from August 2001-June 2002; and Invited Guest Faculty, University of Toronto School of Medicine, 2014. He was honored in 2015 by the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine with the Distinguished E. Harry Botterell Professorship in Neurosurgery.

Dr. Kurpad joined the faculty of MCW as Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, in January 2002. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2007 and achieved the rank of Professor with Tenure in 2014. Dr. Kurpad has served as Adjunct Faculty in the Departments of Neuroscience and Speech Pathology and Audiology at Marquette University since 2005, and as Adjunct Professor in MCW’s Department of Cell Biology, Neurology and Anatomy since 2007.

Dr. Kurpad specializes in the treatment of both spinal and cranial disorders. His clinical expertise lies in surgery for spinal trauma, tumors of the spine and spinal cord, degenerative disease of the spine, spinal deformities, skull base tumors, general neurosurgery, and minimally invasive methods for the treatment of spinal disorders. From 2002-2015, Dr. Kurpad served as Chief, Neurosurgery Service at the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center and has been listed in Best Doctors in America since 2007. He is board certified with the American Board of Neurological Surgery.

Dr. Kurpad has extensive research experience in spinal cord injury and is internationally recognized in the field of imaging biomarkers for spinal cord injury and cervical myelopathy. As the recipient of the prestigious Van Wagenen fellowship from the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Dr. Kurpad conducted cellular transplantation research for spinal cord injury at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. He runs a laboratory at MCW with international collaborators for the study of spinal cord injury and has served as principal investigator on several peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed grants. Dr. Kurpad has been continuously funded extramurally since 2006 and has secured nearly $6 million in total grant funding. He has previously had extramural funding from the VA, NIH, and private foundations for cell transplantation and imaging biomarker research for spinal cord injury totaling over $2 million. He played a key role in establishing a $1 million spinal cord injury endowment by the Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation at MCW. He has active current extramural funding from the VA Research Service, Rick Hansen Foundation, and Craig Nielsen Foundation totaling over an additional $1.7 million. He serves on the editorial boards of several journals and is a study section reviewer for the VA Research Service. In March 2012, Dr. Kurpad filed a patent for algorithm sequence for human spinal cord diffusion tensor imaging.

Dr. Kurpad is a member of the Executive Committee of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) and the Joint AANS/CNS Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care. He serves as the Chair of the International Division of the CNS and has been a member of the Executive Committee of this organization since 2011, holding a number of leadership roles for the past six years. He also is a fellow of the American Association for Neurological Surgeons; honorary life member of the Neurological Society of India; and member of the North American Skull Base Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Society for Neuroscience, and the American Association of South Asian Neurosurgeons.

Dr. Kurpad has significant medical student and graduate student teaching experience, and has mentored many medical students, PhD students, residents, and post-doctoral fellows.

Dr. Kurpad has published more than 140 articles, original papers, book chapters, and reviews, and has presented about 50 local, regional, national, and international lectures and workshops. His MCW committee memberships include the Clinical Competency Committee (Department of Neurosurgery), Practice Services and Operations Committee, Trauma Committee, Inpatient Advisory Council, Steering Committee for the Neuroscience Service Line (Froedtert Hospital), MCW/MCP Compensation Committee, Stem Cell Committee, Neuroscience Center Board, and the Institutional Financial Advisory Committee (MCW).

Roadside Cleanup, Saturday, April 27
We had a terrific turnout for Saturday's Roadside Cleanup. Thanks to all who participated!
MATC Plant Sale, Saturday, May 11
Field of Flags
May 14 Speaker - Omar Shaikh

For more than 20 years, Omar Shaikh has been one of Milwaukee’s leading business owners and community leaders. Known for high standards and exceptional service in the hospitality business, Omar leads the modern and sophisticated award-winning steakhouse Carnevor. As a well-rounded restaurateur and business operator, Omar joined the team that redeveloped downtown Milwaukee’s iconic Grand Avenue property and spearheaded the efforts of opening the 3rd St. Market Hall, which has brought energy and activity to an area of the mall and the city that was dormant for years. The food hall has become the place to be with creative restaurant operators, fun activities and an energy that draws in residents from throughout southeastern Wisconsin.

Omar remains committed to helping revitalize the historic downtown landmark with a strong focus on transformation and creating new experiences west of the Milwaukee River. Outside of hospitality and development, he is also a partner in O & B Consulting, and Tuk Tuk Chicago, a short-distance electric cab service.
Omar Shaikh’s passion for moving Milwaukee forward can be seen through his extensive list of community involvement and his leadership in getting major projects accomplished.

He served as the Board Chair for VISIT Milwaukee for seven years and is one of the leading advocates for increasing tourism in southeastern Wisconsin. He is also a member of the Wisconsin Center District board of directors and was one of the community leaders who worked tirelessly with state and local officials to develop a financing mechanism to move forward the long-awaited $456 million expansion of the city’s convention center. The expansion will allow Milwaukee to compete against other major cities for conventions and meetings that will bring in millions of dollars for Milwaukee-area hotels, restaurants and retailers.

Omar was chairman of the Home Crew Coalition, a community group, which played a key role in 2023 in helping broker a bipartisan solution through state legislation signed by Gov. Tony Evers to ensure American Family Field has the resources it needs to remain one of the best ballparks in all of baseball and to keep major league baseball in Wisconsin through 2050.

In addition, Omar served on the host committee that worked directly in securing the 2024 Republican National Convention and is now working with business and community leaders to ensure the largest economic impact possible for southeastern Wisconsin businesses from the mega event, which will bring up to 50,000 visitors to Milwaukee in July 2024.

Omar is a strong collaborator with city, civic and business leadership across industries and is dedicated and passionate about connecting people and opportunities that support a prosperous, growing Milwaukee. He was recently named one of Milwaukee’s top 20 power brokers by the Milwaukee Business Journal. He strongly believes in giving back to the community and is chairman of the Milwaukee Kitchen Cabinet, which has put together the ‘Three Days of Christmas’ initiative for the past several years to provide holiday meals and gifts for non-profit groups as well as the Do Good with Food program that raised over $41,000 to benefit Children’s Wisconsin.

Omar and his wife, Connie, have been leaders in raising money for the area’s nonprofits and community groups, serving as co-chairs for several record-breaking fundraisers, including the Harry & Rose Sampson Jewish Community Center’s KidShare and Sharp Literacy’s ‘A Novel Event.’ When Omar & Connie aren’t fundraising, they open their home to rescued dogs and puppies and are passionate about securing safe and loving homes for dogs through a foster care program.

Veterans Affairs Committee Volunteer Opportunities
Upcoming Speakers
Sep 10, 2024 12:00 PM
Camo Crew
Sep 17, 2024 12:00 PM
Rotary Update
Sep 24, 2024 12:00 PM
Business Meeting
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Meeting Responsibilities
September 24th
O'Connor, David
October 1st
Robertson, Dianne
October 8th
Rowe, Bruce
September 24th
O'Leary-Guth, Maureen
October 1st
Robinson, John
October 8th
Schneider, Kathleen
September 24th
Ott, Jim
October 1st
Rosing, John
October 8th
Smith, Stanford
Club Information
Service Above Self
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
River Club
12400 N Ville Du Parc Dr,
Mequon, WI 53092
United States of America
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