I was invited to join Rotary in 1999 by Karl Hertz. I originally joined to become active in the community I served, the Village of Thiensville. The idea of volunteering my time to help civic events appealed to me. I have served on several committees, which include the Riverwalk, Fall into Comedy, Awards, Membership and treasurer of the Civic Fund.
I served in local government full time for 46 years. I started my career serving the Village of West Milwaukee for 19 years, the Village of Greendale for 6 years and the Village of Thiensville for nearly 21 years. Since retirement I serve in a voluntary role with the International City/County Management Association and the Wisconsin City/County Management Association. In this role I advocate for the administrator/manager form of government and counsel members who may have questions or problems. So, if you count those years as service to local government, then I top the years of service to 51. When called upon, I continue to mentor new people with positions in local government mainly in Ozaukee County.
The two projects that culminated my career was to plan and construct the Village of Greendale Public Safety Center and the successful Pigeon Creek Project in downtown Thiensville. I am proud to say that downtown Thiensville has not flooded since 2008, it is difficult to say it will never happen again since the Milwaukee River is its neighbor. I was fortunate to have received multiple grants to reduce the impact to the taxpayers.
Over my career I received several awards. They are The James Ryan Award from the Wisconsin Policy Forum, Meritorious Service Award from the Wisconsin City/County Management Association and a 45 year Service Award from the International City/County Management Association. But the one most meaningful was the dedication of Dianne’s Bridge connecting Green Bay Road to Main Street in downtown Thiensville.
I was married to my sole mate, Patrick who went to Heaven in 2015. Left to share in his blessings are 5 children and 5 grandchildren. I am fortunate to have 5 siblings and nephews and nieces too many to count.
With a little time on my hands, I have been to a variety of countries around the world. They include Cuba, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Isreal, Jerusalem and Italy. I also had the pleasure of seeing Glasier National Park in Alaska.
I also enjoy coordinating my annual high school reunion and volunteer managing contributions for my church.