When I first got involved with Gathering on the Green, Stan Smith and Pam Koch suggested that I should take a look at  Rotary as a way to become connected to the community. To be honest, I knew very little about Rotary. I asked, “What is Rotary? “. I was told that it is a service organization. I still wasn’t sure what that meant. I was invited to attend a meeting. I liked it. I kept attending. I attended for many weeks. Finally, it was communicated to me that I had had enough free lunches and it was time to join or not. I said yes.
Saying yes has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. The people that I’ve gotten to know and now consider to be friends, has been a gift. We are more than friends. We are fellow Rotarians. It is transendent. It bridges all divides.
The Four Way Test is powerful and beautiful. It is a simple and clear way to view life. It has changed the way that I live my life and the decisions I make. For that, and the relationships with my fellow Rotarians, I will always be grateful.